Vision in 2022
When the first of the year comes around, it has us making (or dreading) a “resolution.” Over the past two years, I think many of us have probably thought, what is the point? In an attempt to help

us get back to our core needs, we need to flex into using our wisdom and imagination to build our vision. Toward that end, WHCM members enjoyed an inspiring virtual event in January to kick off the new year, focused on the Power of Vision.
We know our morals, we know our beliefs, so how are we going to get these aligned to look ahead and build what we truly desire? Our presenter Julia Gentry reminded us that goals aren’t really meant to make us feel good, but to be good. The vision is just a seed. You must build from that vision not for that vision. Show up to the world! In accomplishing a vision, you don’t need a step-by-step plan per se; you must first understand the motivation. See yourself at the top. For example, when you think of your vision, take a top down approach – with the vision in mind, every time you make a decision, try to think “what would that person do?”
Our WHCM steering committee is hard at work, setting our vision forward for 2022 as well! We have certainly needed to pivot from our core mission, which is truly to get powerful, capable women together for in person networking and opportunities. In response to this, it was necessary to bolster our online presence and platform for all of you. Our webmaster Rachel has been hard at work on a new platform for our members to be able to utilize by the spring, making offerings for a more robust member profile opportunity, a library of content we’ve presented and have had presented to us, and an easier way for all of you to connect in a virtual fashion.
While I am most hopeful to see all of you in person soon, we will maintain our mission to provide an active community for networking and connections for each of our members.
-Jen Pendleton, WHCM Chairwoman